By the Numbers:
11,000 acres
4848 feet
2nd highest point in WV
3 days and 3 nights
18 bands
30+ hours of music
10+ outdoor activities
People are buzzing like crazy about the new festival 4848, coming to Snowshoe Mountain this July 11-13, 2019, and rooms are already in danger of selling out. That’s right, I said “rooms”! With both camping and hotel accommodations, this festival is a good fit for those of all ages and rage-levels. You can also customize your experience from a bare bones day trip to a VIP package with all the trimmings – including viewing areas and two VIP breakfasts! Be aware, there are only 3 VIP room packages left to purchase as of April 25, so hurry and visit the website to reserve your space.
We had the pleasure of interviewing Tim Walther, the legend behind All Good Presents and the brain behind 4848. Tim gave us some awesome insights into his path to promoting as well as what we can expect for this unique event.
When did planning first start for 4848 Festival? What inspired the idea for it?
A friend introduced me to Snowshoe in 2014 suggesting that the All Good Festival should move there. I visited and quickly realized that it was not feasible based on the limited camping space, but did take note of the many things that Snowshoe had to offer…West Virginia, Mountains, Personal Freedoms, Lodging, a Kind Staff and a robust outdoor playground full of mountain biking, zip lining, scenic lift rides, a lake, beach, hiking trails yada yada. I moved the All Good Festival elsewhere, retired it after 17 years, and never did officially become an adult I guess. From 2016 – 2018 I visited my friend in Pocohontas County on many occasions and took in numerous Snowshoe hosted events. I started to see the possibilities and over time saw the opportunity to tie All Good Festival past into All Good Presents 4848. Snowshoe is a magic place, you’ll see.
Where does the name “4848” come from?
This one is simple, Snowshoe Mountain is the 2nd tallest mountain in WV w an elevation of 4,848 feet. Rumor has it that the tallest mountain got it’s #1 status by adding a 12 foot mound of dirt on top of it….please don’t ask me to foot note that one.
What do you enjoy about planning a big event like this? What aspect do you least enjoy?
I enjoy nothing more than building a festival from the ground up. From seeking out a property that will work, to laying out said property, to booking the best lineup possible, to bringing together a team of festival savvy folks that love what they do, to integrating with vendors, crowd performers, production teams, stage crews etc….Festivals are just as much fun for those who work therm as they are for those who come to celebrate music, life and community. Not to be cliche, but the goal for all of our events is that we come together as one, share the values that are important to us, let loose a little bit and rejuvenate for our return to the real world. We can do this!
The politics of the past is what I least enjoyed. To be judged by a town and never really given a chance is the worst As a community, we are clearly harmless, peaceful and consciously grounded. Good news is that Snowshoe offers a warm and welcoming atmosphere with a staff that exudes a mountain grown nature with a southern charm. Get ready to feel right at home.
What is an aspect of planning an event like this, that most people don’t think about?
Probably the risk. It’s a big roll of the dice when you put on a festival. Most first year festivals lose money, some festivals never make money and the rare festival that does it right and has all the stars in line is able to grow over time and find success.
What was the first festival you ever organized and what was that like?
The Full Moon Festival at Wilmer’s Park in Brandywine, MD in 1996 with Aquarium Rescue Unit as the headliner. We used to call it organized chaos, but I think that was being generous. It was 15 bands or so, 2 days and 2 nights and we did under 1,000 paid. It was a big party with live music. The staff was myself, my partner, 1 security guy with the venue, a sound company and a keg backstage. I had to pull some friends out of the cars to help us process was crazy and thrilling at the same time..the good ole’ days. Oh yeah and being the producer getting 3 hours to sleep in my tent next to the drum circle, classic.
Why is 4848 Festival unlike any festival you’ve thrown before? How has this affected your planning, and how will it affect the attendees?
Although the energy is the same, the main difference is that it’s at a resort that provides lodging, infrastructure, paved parking lots, staff, lighting, running water, restaurants, Starbucks and then there are the outdoor activities. The built in amenities will allow us to focus even more on the music, the festivities, interactive activities and the overall experience.
When curating the lineup, what was your thought process? Did you have an overall vision for the vibe that the lineup would create?
I have always been fortunate that the music I like the most is the music that I get to work with most often. As a promoter in the DC/Baltimore metropolitan, I have the opportunity to work with all of the latest breaking touring bands as well as those that we have all come to love and follow. My gaol is to build the most powerful lineup possible by mixing up various genres of bands at various points in their career. Then taking those bands and weaving them together to make a flow of music and energy that may not make sense on paper, but will hopefully make sense when you arrive.

Greensky Bluegrass, Photo Credit Dylan Langille
Who is your personal favorite band on the lineup? Who is a lesser known band that we can’t miss?
They are all my personal favorites, it’s true and it’s always good to be politically correct. Lesser knowns – The Hip Abduction and Raging Fyah.
Can you give us an insider tips?
Drive during the day, the WV mountains are spectacular. Bring a hoodie or long sleeve shirt…we may drop into the high 50’s at night.
Maybe something about the venue/resort that we should check out, any special vendors or workshops?
Check out the Powder Monkey ski lift on the back side of the mountain and keep your eyes and ears open for pop-up experiences.
Camping items specific to this venue that we should bring?
A telescope, binoculars, carrot juice.

Tim Walther