5 Reasons Why Missing Papadosio’s Two Night Run in D.C. is a Bad Idea
Written by Leslie Caneda
Fall is a favorite time of year for a lot of music goers. The heat of the summer has finally subsided, and everyone’s favorite holiday–Halloween–is approaching. You can find them getting their costumes in order and buying their ticket to ride to celebrate Halloween in style. For me, Papadosio’s stop in D.C, on their Pattern Integrities tour is precisely the ride I am taking. The 9:30 club in Washington D.C. is hosting the boys on October 28th and 29th, and I strongly suggest you don’t miss it. Here’s why:

Anthony Thogmartin of Papadosio playing at Resonance. Photo by Roger Gupta.
- I was able to catch their 3 tour opening sets at Resonance this year, and it was beyond awesome. Papadosio has introduced this new P.I. set to break musical ground through sampling improv, live looping, sequencing, and synthesis. Not only is the music revamped, the live performance is too. It’s going to be a cosmic roller coaster, so indeed, you’ll want to catch some of this tour.
- Consider the Source is opening for them on Oct. 28th. Not catching this opening act is mistake. Talk about a ride, CTS makes me feel as if I’m on a Sci-Fi, psychedelic magic carpet, blending worldly sounds from the Middle East with cerebral and emotional tones. These guys have been together for 10 years, and it shows, as they are incredibly tight and eclectic. Don’t show up late to this opener!
- SOOHAN is opening for them on the 29th, and he always brings a dance party. Made in Baltimore, SOOHAN’s smooth and sexy sounds will surely get your dancing shoes broken in for the headliner. His tribal beats will activate your primal side, and make you get rowdy with your friends. Do you not want to dance with your friends? Not getting rowdy is a bad idea.
- Who knows when you’ll see so many of your show going friends again? After an action-packed festival season, a lot of us are simply ready to hibernate for a while. I know I always value my down time, but we must go out in style, right? Get it all out for good measure. Do not go out without style.
5. This is obvious: It’s a two night Halloween party with Papadosio. It’s going to get wild. People tend to get down with Halloween in the air, and I’m going to be in the middle of it. Dust off your favorite festie costumes, switch and exchange, order the perfect one, make it yourself. Just get there. Consider your Halloween plans made. I highly suggest getting silly. Missing this is a very bad idea.